The Runesmith cards

Craft FirestoneBasicSkill1 (0)1 runesmith:Ignis: runesmith:Craft a runesmith:Firestone Rune with 4 runesmith:Potency.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
FortifyBasicSkill1Gain 6 (8) Block. runesmith:Enhance a random (not random)card in your hand.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Aqua DecaySpecialPowerLose all runesmith:Aqua. Gain runesmith:Ignis and runesmith:Terra equal to runesmith:Aqua lost.
Ignis DecaySpecialAttackLose all runesmith:Ignis. Gain runesmith:Terra and runesmith:Aqua equal to runesmith:Ignis lost.
Terra DecaySpecialSkillLose all runesmith:Terra. Gain runesmith:Ignis and runesmith:Aqua equal to runesmith:Terra lost.
Backup BatteryCommonSkill1Gain 2 (3) of each runesmith:Element. Draw 1 card. Can be Upgraded 4 times. Exhaust.
Chisel StabCommonAttack0Deal 5 (8) Damage. Gain 2 runesmith:Ignis.
Craft MagmaCommonSkill02 runesmith:Ignis 2 runesmith:Terra: runesmith:Craft a runesmith:Magma Rune with 4 (6) runesmith:Potency.
Craft ProtectioCommonSkill02 runesmith:Terra: runesmith:Craft a runesmith:Protectio Rune with 3 (4) runesmith:Potency.
Earth ShieldCommonSkill1Gain 8 (11) Block. Gain 2 runesmith:Terra.
Energized ChiselCommonAttack1Deal 3 (4) damage. Gain 3 (4) Block. Apply 1 (2) Weak. Gain 1 runesmith:Ignis and 1 runesmith:Aqua.
GrindstoneCommonSkill1Gain 6 Block. This (For !M!) turn(s), whenever you play a card, Upgrade it. runesmith:Enhance the card if it cannot be Upgraded.
Hammer ThrowCommonAttack1Deal 5 (6) damage. Draw 1 (2) card(s) and Upgrade it (them).
Heat ExchangeCommonAttack1Deal 6 damage to ALL enemies. This card gains 1 (2) additional damage for each of your runesmith:Ignis. Lose 1 runesmith:Ignis.
Heated ChiselCommonAttack1Deal 6 (8) damage. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable. Gain 1 runesmith:Ignis and 1 runesmith:Terra.
Makeshift ArmorCommonSkill1runesmith:Downgrade a random card in your draw pile, hand, or discard pile. Gain 11 (15) Block. Gain 1 runesmith:Terra.
OverpowerCommonAttack1Deal 14 (18) damage. runesmith:Downgrade 2 random cards in your hand.
RepurposeCommonSkill0Exhaust a card. Attack: Gain 2 (3) runesmith:Ignis. Skill: Gain 2 (3) runesmith:Terra. Power: Gain 2 (3) runesmith:Aqua. Status: Gain 1 of each.(Curse: Gain 2 of each.)
Rune HurlCommonAttack0runesmith:Break your oldest Rune to deal 10 (14) damage. If you don't have any Runes, draw 1 card.
Shifting HammerCommonAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage twice. runesmith:Enhance a random card in your hand.
Static CageCommonSkill1runesmith:Break your oldest Rune. runesmith:Stasis a card in your hand. Gain 7 (10) Block.
Unstable HammerCommonAttack0Deal 7 (10) damage. runesmith:Craft a runesmith:Dud Rune. Gain 1 random runesmith:Element.
AccelerateUncommonSkill1Gain 7 (9) Block. Draw 1 card. runesmith:Break your oldest Rune to draw 1 (2) more card.
AttractionUncommonSkill0Put 1 (2) runesmith:Craft card from draw or discard pile into your hand. Exhaust.
AugmentUncommonSkill1Gain 10 (14) Block. Lose all (half your) runesmith:Aqua. Gain 1 Artifact for every 2 (each) runesmith:Aqua lost. Exhaust.
Chaotic BlastUncommonAttack2Deal 12 (15) damage to ALL enemies. 1 (2) of each runesmith:Element: runesmith:Craft 1 (2) random Rune(s).
Charged HammerUncommonAttack2Deal 12 (16) damage. runesmith:Break your oldest runesmith:Dud Rune to runesmith:Craft a random non-Dud Rune.
Craft IncendiumUncommonSkill03 runesmith:Ignis: runesmith:Craft an runesmith:Incendium Rune with 4 (6) runesmith:Potency.
Craft ObretioUncommonSkill02 runesmith:Terra 1 runesmith:Aqua: runesmith:Craft an runesmith:Obretio Rune with 3 (4) runesmith:Potency. Exhaust.
Craft ReservoUncommonSkill02 runesmith:Aqua: runesmith:Craft a Reservo (Reservo+) Rune.
Craft SpiculumUncommonSkill02 runesmith:Ignis 1 runesmith:Aqua: runesmith:Craft a runesmith:Spiculum Rune with 3 (4) runesmith:Potency.
Craft VitaeUncommonSkill01 runesmith:Ignis 2 runesmith:Terra: runesmith:Craft a runesmith:Vitae Rune with 5 (7) runesmith:Potency.
DischargeUncommonAttack1runesmith:Break your oldest non-Dud Rune to gain 12 (16) Block, deal 12 (16) damage, and runesmith:Craft a runesmith:Dud Rune.
Double UpUncommonSkill2Gain 10 Block. Upgrade and runesmith:Enhance 1 (2) card(s) in your hand.
ElectrocuteUncommonAttack1Deal 11 (14) damage. Take 3 (2) damage. runesmith:Stasis a card in your draw pile.
Elementary ParticlesUncommonSkill0Choose an runesmith:Element to runesmith:Decay.(Draw !M! card.)
EmpowermentUncommonSkill1 (0)Gain Strength equal to your runesmith:Ignis this turn. Gain Dexterity equal to your runesmith:Terra this turn.
Fiery HammerUncommonAttack2Deal 10 (13) damage to ALL enemies. Can be Upgraded any number of times.
FirestormUncommonPower1 (0)Innate. At the start of your turn, gain 1 runesmith:Ignis and 1 runesmith:Terra.
FirewallUncommonSkill2Gain 12 (15) Block. 3 runesmith:Ignis: runesmith:Craft 2 runesmith:Firestone Runes with 2 (3) runesmith:Potency.
Frozen ChiselUncommonAttack2Deal 11 (13) damage. Apply 1 Slow. Apply 3 (4) runesmith:Ice-Cold. Gain 1 runesmith:Terra and 1 runesmith:Aqua.
Go With The FlowUncommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. Gain 2 (3) runesmith:Aqua. Gain 1 runesmith:Potency. Exhaust.
Hammer TimeUncommonAttack2Deal 14 (15) damage. runesmith:Enhance ALL your other cards containing "Hammer" (twice).
Hammer and ChiselUncommonSkill2Add a random (Upgraded) Hammer card and a random (Upgraded) Chisel card into your hand. They cost 1 less this combat. Exhaust.
Lithium IonUncommonPower1Gain 2 (3) runesmith:Potency.
MallocUncommonSkill0runesmith:Downgrade a card in your hand. If the card is Upgraded, gain [E] ([E]). Draw 1 card for each level of runesmith:Enhancement.
Nanites CloudUncommonSkill2ALL characters lose 13 (18) Strength this turn. Exhaust.
Negative SpaceUncommonSkill1Gain 8 (10) Block, reduced by 2 Block for each active Rune. Deal 3 (4) damage for each active Rune.
One for EveryoneUncommonAttack1 (0)runesmith:Break your oldest Rune to gain [E] , gain 1 Block, deal 1 damage, apply 1 Weak and Vulnerable to ALL enemies, gain 1 of each runesmith:Element and draw 1 card.
Perfect ChiselUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Gain 1 of each runesmith:Element. Gain 1 (2) runesmith:Potency this turn.
PermafrostUncommonPower2 (1)Lose at most half your Block at the start of your turn. Gain 1 runesmith:Terra and 1 runesmith:Aqua.
Powered AnvilUncommonPower2Whenever you runesmith:Enhance a card, runesmith:Enhance it 1 additional time.(runesmith:Enhance a card in your hand.)
PrismUncommonSkill0Gain Block equal to 2 (3) times the number of all your runesmith:Elements. Lose half your runesmith:Elements.
RefineUncommonSkillXrunesmith:Enhance a card X (X+1) times. Refund 1.
ReinforceUncommonSkill1Draw 1 card. Upgrade (and runesmith:Enhance) all cards in your hand. Exhaust.
RetoolUncommonSkill1Shuffle all Upgraded or runesmith:Enhanced cards from your discard pile into your draw pile.Draw 3 (4) cards.
Runic BlueprintUncommonSkill1 (0)Add a random runesmith:Craft card into your hand. It costs 0 and does not need runesmith:Elements this turn. Gain 2 runesmith:Aqua. Exhaust.
SuperpositionUncommonAttack3Deal 26 (34) damage. runesmith:Break your oldest Rune to gain 13 (18) Block.
TerraformUncommonSkill1Gain 1 runesmith:Terra. Gain Block equals to 2 (3) times the number of your runesmith:Terra.
White BalanceUncommonAttack1Deal damage equals to 4 (5) times the number of runesmith:Elements gained this turn.
Arc ReactorRarePower1Gain 3 (4) runesmith:Potency. At the start of your turn, gain 1 runesmith:Potency. Whenever you runesmith:Craft a Rune, lose 2 runesmith:Potency.
Craft IndustriaRareSkill13 runesmith:Aqua: runesmith:Craft an Industria (Industria+) Rune.
Craft MedicinaeRareSkill15 runesmith:Terra: runesmith:Craft a runesmith:Medicinae Rune with 2 (3) runesmith:Potency. Exhaust.
Craft PrismaticaRareSkill12 of each runesmith:Element: runesmith:Craft a Prismatica (Prismatica+) Rune.
Creator FormRarePower3At the start of your turn, runesmith:Enhance 2 (3) cards.
Duct TapeRarePower1At the start of your turn, runesmith:Stasis up to 1 (2) card.
DuplicateRareSkill1This turn, create a copy of the next (!M!) Rune(s) you runesmith:Craft.
Fission HammerRareAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage. Deal 4 (6) damage to ALL enemies. runesmith:Break your oldest Rune twice.
Generate ForcefieldRareSkillXrunesmith:Break your X (X+1) oldest non-Dud Runes. Prevent the next time you would lose HP for each Rune runesmith:Broken. Exhaust.
Grand SlamRareAttack2Deal 10 damage. runesmith:Enhance all cards in your hand (twice).
Last StandRareSkill3Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) runesmith:Downgrade ALL your cards. ALL cards cost 1 less and Exhaust. Exhaust.
Lightning RodRareSkill1For 2 (3) turns, you lose runesmith:Elements before losing HP. Gain 2 (3) of each runesmith:Element.
Metallurgical ResearchRareSkill2Upgrade and runesmith:Enhance ALL your cards after 3 (2) turns (turn). Exhaust.
Replicating BarrierRarePower12 runesmith:Terra: runesmith:Craft a runesmith:Protectio Rune with 2 (3) runesmith:Potency. Every 2 turns, 2 runesmith:Terra: runesmith:Craft a runesmith:Protectio Rune with 2 (3) runesmith:Potency.
SupernovaRareSkill1 (0)runesmith:Break all your Runes. Draw 1 card and gain [E] for each non-Dud Rune runesmith:Broken.
Unlimited PowerRarePower2 (1)Increase ALL runesmith:Element gains by 1. Gain 1 of each runesmith:Element.

The Runesmith relics

Broken RubyStarterRunesmith_beigeAt the start of each combat, gain 2runesmith:Ignis. At the start of your turn, Enhance a random card in your hand.A crystal that resembles a red gem. Although it is broken, faint energy still remains.
AutoHammerCommonEvery time you play 3Skills in 1 turn, runesmith:Enhance a random card in your hand.An automatic hammer which never stops hammering.
Emergency ProvisionsCommonRunesmith_beigeEvery time you play a Craft card, gain 1 random runesmith:Element.A self-contained, individual field ration in lightweight packaging.
MinicoreCommonRunesmith_beigeGain 1 runesmith:Potency at the start of the combat.This peculiar orb was once used as an energy storage.
NanobotsUncommonAt the start of combat, runesmith:Enhance all cards in your hand."These tiny machines have wondrous properties." -Ranwid
LocketRareOne time each combat, if your health drops below 15%,Upgrade and runesmith:Enhance ALL your cards for the rest of combat.An image of unknown yet familiar figure resides within.
Core CrystalBossRunesmith_beigeReplaces BrokenRuby. All runesmith:Element gains are increased by 50%. Raises maximum runesmith:Elements to 20.The crystal surges with new life.
Pocket ReactorBossRunesmith_beigerunesmith:Elements are no longer needed for crafting. All cards lose 2runesmith:Potency.Atomic power anytime, anywhere.
Uranium AnvilBossGain [E] at the start of your turn. runesmith:Downgrade a random card in your draw pile, hand, or discard pile each turn.This block of metal holds massive amount of energy but weakens anyone who comes near it.

The Runesmith keywords

ElementsElements (Ignis, Terra and Aqua) are spent to Craft Runes and are used for other utilities.
BreakDestroy a Rune and activate its effect twice. Power-based effects will be removed before the start of your next turn.
CraftCreate a Rune using Elements. If the Rune cannot be crafted, gain that many Elements instead. You can have no more than 7 active Runes.
DecayLose all selected Element, then gain other Elements equals to the amount lost.
DowngradeRemove one level of Upgrade and any Enhance or Stasis from a card.
DudRune: No effect.
EnhanceIncrease damage, Block and Potency of a card by 50%. Can be stacked additively. Enhance is removed after the card is played.
FirestoneRune: Deals damage to random enemies.
Ice-ColdDecrease attack damage by 1 per stack. Stack is reduced by 1 at the end of turn. Remove Slow when stack reaches 0.
IncendiumRune: Deals damage to ALL enemies.
MagmaRune: Deals damage to random enemy and gain Block.
MedicinaeRune: Heals on Break or at the end of combat.
ObretioRune: Reduces an enemy Strength for a turn.
PotencyPotency is the power of a Rune when it is Crafted.
PotentiaRune: Gain Potency
ProtectioRune: Gain Block.
SpiculumRune: Gain Thorns.
StasisPrevent a card from losing Enhancement when played.
VitaeRune: Lose Potency of the Rune instead of HP.

The Runesmith creatures

the RunesmithPlayer70